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Showing posts from 2021

How Gratitude Saved My Life

I’m one of those weirdos who LOVES public speaking. Especially when it’s about gospel topics . But I’m also someone who lives in a very crappy , very unpredictable body .  So thanks to some relentless pneumonia,  a very low immune system,  and a night in the ER  I wasn’t able to give the talk I so desperately wanted to give in church today  ( some amazing day I WILL be able to do as many speaking engagements as I want 🤣👌🏻 *knock on wood ) So today  Via proxy  my mom read a portion of my talk in sacrament . ( So if you are in the same ward as me , you have already heard this .  And my moms PHENOMENAL talk .) So I thought I would share what I have written with you all  Because the topic I was asked to speak on is one of my favorite subjects in the whole world. . Something I feel like I could seriously write a book or do like a whole fireside talk on .  And that subject is gratitude. Because Gratitude,  has litterally saved my ...

Am I the peacock falling down the stairs ?!

My freshman year of high school I did  “ speech and debate “  They wanted me to give these long talks called “ oratories “ which are basically EXACTLY what I do ( and love to do ) with my life now . Where you sit down and tell the audience a    long on topic story . ( mine was on the power of positivity )? I actually made it to state in oratory when I wrote my talk a WEEK before region .  I was naturally talented at it , and didn’t want to even admit I was talented at it ..    because I joined speech and debate to fight with people  😂😂 . My soul purpose of joining was literally just to verbally spar. And being a naturally kind person .  I was pretty terrible at at  😂 . I mean don’t get me wrong .. I could get mean .    But not mean enough to win .    ( highschoolers are VICIOUS creatures lol )  One of my FAVORITE events to compete in was called  “ Congress “. ( I believe ) Basically you come in with a “ B...

The Struggles of Writing a Dating Profile When You Have a Life Threatening Illness.

  Let’s face it. The days of meeting the man of your dreams “organically”. Are long gone. It could be the most picturesque “ Rom com “ movie moment. You could be the most gorgeous girl in the world, wearing a dress that makes you feel like an absolute 10. You make a calculated move. And walk directly past your dream man,  But  he  won’t even notice you. Because 9/10 times  He was checking his Instagram, sharing a new meme ,  or chuckling at a new video on the Tik tok , and didn't even realize you were there  In a society of ducked heads staring into phones. When it comes to finding a date, and potentially finding the love of your life. You have to be “on screen” to be seen. I may be only 25 But lately I’ve definitely been hit byThis harsh reality. Living in a small town where either all my friends have babies, or are desperately searching for someone to call them “ baby” I’ve felt a shadow looming over my shoulders. Whispe...