My freshman year of high school I did
“ speech and debate “
They wanted me to give these long talks called “ oratories “ which are basically EXACTLY what I do ( and love to do ) with my life now .
Where you sit down and tell the audience a long on topic story .
( mine was on the power of positivity )?
I actually made it to state in oratory when I wrote my talk a WEEK before region .
I was naturally talented at it , and didn’t want to even admit I was talented at it .. because I joined speech and debate to fight with people 😂😂.
My soul purpose of joining was literally just to verbally spar.
And being a naturally kind person .
I was pretty terrible at at 😂.
I mean don’t get me wrong .. I could get mean . But not mean enough to win . ( highschoolers are VICIOUS creatures lol )
One of my FAVORITE events to compete in was called
“ Congress “. ( I believe )
Basically you come in with a “ Bill “ prepared
( I believe mine was stricter punishments for those who abuse animals)
Depending on the rules of the event that day the bill could be as ridiculous or realistic as you want it to be .
And then as a big group of mouthy teenagers .
You play politician and argue if the bill should pass or not .
( It was a BLAST )
My first time doing it , the speech meet was on Halloween . So we were all in costume .
The girl who led the congress was an upper class men from another school .
Who was dressed as a peacock 🦚. It was an adorable costume .
Came with feathers and all .
But MAN ALIVE was she the human embodiment of that costume .
She was strutting her stuff the entire time , made EVERY debate a personal attack , And in my 15 year old perspective. She was one of the rudest people I had EVER met .
Later in the day , My friend and I were walking back after lunch to the next “Congress “ session .
And infront of us , we saw that same prissy rude “ peacock holding her Starbucks high . “ walking with her nose in the air “
And then she biffed it.
I mean . Utterly ATE it down what seemed to be a flight of cement stairs.
Foam from her Frappuccino was flying EVERYWHERE as she fell . Coffee and a bit of blood were smeared on her feathers as she aggressivly screeched at the girls around her who were trying to help her .
As soon as she stormed away .
( and the shock wore off )
My friend and I just BUSTED up laughing, like sides aching , tears rolling down your face kind of laughter
Don’t get me wrong , we were HORRIBLE for laughing that hard .
But with how cruel that girl was .
It was seriously like we were watching a video demonstration on karma unfold before our very eyes .
Seriously from that day on I became a FIRM believer in Karma
Because after that perfect demonstration.. how could you not ?!
Years later my friend and would still DM eachother
“ sometimes I still think about a peacock falling down the stairs “
And each time I got a message from her that said that I would DIE of laughter.
Tonight I found myself thinking about that moment ,
Thinking about that “peacock .”
And with the crappy week I’ve been having
( Today my body decided to add increased pain , cold chills , and severe congestion to my list of medical woes ( for real just sitting up is exhausting ).
I froze and thought .
“ Am I the peacock falling down the stairs ?!
Is THIS AWFUL week.. some form of Karma .
I mean . Ok , I can be a bit sassy when I really don’t feel good , and I’ve sworn more lately than I have in a LONG time 😂😅.
But they say “ you do good you will be blessed ?” Right .
This week has had good in it .
But has been the opposite of good .
Am I the freaking peacock?!
Did I do something to cause this ?! “
But then I had this still small voice remind me
That “ The prosperity gospel “
Isn’t a thing .
God doesn’t work that way .
If he only praised the pure .
And threw lightning at the sinners
The majority of us would be on fire 🔥.
Sometimes, bad things, Bad days , bad weeks , bad health .
Just happens .
And it no way reflects on how good of a person you are .
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