So 2 years ago. At my branches relief society birthday.. I had to give a talk about superhero’s.. and when I was given that topic.
I had one question on my mind.
“ How does God turn us into superhero’s? “
And it was a question that planted firmly on my mind because the week before I was diagnosed with a rare form of sarcoma DFSP... and felt utterly terrified. The furthest thing from how a super hero is suppose to feel.
So I decided to base my talk on that question that wouldn’t leave my head .. and I wrote.. until I found the answer
Im starting the process of getting all of my published ( and unpublished ) blog post on to my personal blog.
And on this honestly horrific day..
I needed these words that “past me”
Had to say. And I hope they will help you to..
“ Because we are daughters of our Heavenly Father, we are already princesses.
But how does God turn us into Super heroes ?
How can a "mear mortal" like myself. Turn into something that extraordinary.
How can I become a superhero?
I've debated if I should go Out and get bit by a radio active spider, or jump into a vat of radioactive waste.
Or just possibly buy some pretty sweet tights and a legit decked out cape and wear them on the daily to achieve this goal.
But then I realized being a super hero is MUCH more than that.
I firmly believe that Being a superhero pretty much boils down to how much we use our FREE AGENCY.
I came to this conclusion...
Because if you really think about it, the really great superheros.. they have all risen from catastrophe!
I mean . The Axis of Evil threatening the planet made Wonder Woman rise up. The Hulk was born out of a radiation spill, and he became the strongest man on the planet. Bruce Wayne's parents were shot down in front of him in cold blood, and he became Batman. Kal-El's world exploded... literally... and he became Superman.
These superheroes went through some completely TERRIBLE. LIFE changing things.
But Wonder women didn't have a major freak out, drop everything and run away to the next planet because her foe was to big to fight:
the Hulk Just didn't sit around for the rest of his life whining and complaining because " it's not easy being green"
Superman didn't spend all his days being bitter, and mourning the home he lost, and the life he never got to have, and how different he truly was from everyone else.
After watching his parents get murdered batman had all the reason in the world to loose his faith in humanity and use his finical wealth to become one of the Most powerful villains In Gotham
But each of these superheroes made the personal choice to find beauty and to do good because of or even inspite of their darkest hour
Thomas S. Monson was COMPLETELY right when he told us that
" Decisions determine destiny"
Every time we recieve terrible news, every time we hit a fork in the road, every time Satan whispers in our ear and BEGs us to choose the wrong.
We are getting a chance to build and use our super powers.
Because every time we go forward with faith, even though life as we know it seems to be tumbling to the ground.
Every time we ignore Satan. And make the harder right choice, instead of the easier wrong.
Every time we serve others, and worry about others happiness, instead of selfishly focusing on ourselves.
Those are the moments we are truly superheroes.
During this life we truly all are just superheroes in training.
So every time you have a rough moment in this life.
Remember, God isn't punishing you.
He is giving you the chance to become something greater.
He is giving you the chance to use your superpowers.
#smileon🐷 “
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